- Each vehicle we sell is carefully selected and undergoes the following mechanical inspection.
- Any deficient items, regardless of whether they are listed below, will be corrected by our mechanics.
- Our vehicles are exceptionally clean, have good tires, and are free of any significant body damage.
- 50% of our sales are to repeat customers
- Brake function
- No brake pedal pulse
- Parking brake – adjustment & hold
- Instrument operation & lighting
- Seat adjuster
- Steering track
- Rattles
- Transmission function
- Horn
- All other drivability functions
- Brakes & lining F_____% R_____%
- Front suspension/steering
- Exhaust system- brackets, clamps, leaks
- Engine oil level & condition
- Full
- Clean
- Coolant burp tank
- Full
- Clean
- Pressure check cooling system
- Wiper fluid full
- Master cylinder/brake booster
- Transmission Fluid
- Full
- Clean
- Power steering
- Fluid full
- Hose condition
- Fluid leaks
- General fluid leaks- oil, antifreeze, etc.
- Battery cables
- Tightness
- Corrosion
- Coat terminals
- Lube grease fittings
- Air & PVC filter
- Belt condition & adjustment
- Clutch hydraulic fluid (if applicable)
- Loose/missing/broken engine or transmission mounts and bolts
- Body mount U-bolts
- Driveshaft carrier bearing mounts and U-bolts
- Differential fluid level
- Tire wear & condition
- Tire pressure
- Left front ____ PSI
- Right front ____ PSI
- Left rear ____ PSI
- Right rear ____ PSI
- Mirror tightness/adjustment
- Wiper condition/position of arms
- Lights
- Headlights
- Turn signals
- Brake lights (pedal depressed)
- License plate light
- Lug nuts tight, no cracks in wheels
- Door locks functional, keys work
- Spare tire, jack, tire tools present
- A/C proper temperature
- Heater/defrost operation & controls
- Wiper operation
- Squirter operation
- Dome light/other interior lights
- Clutch pedal travels freely (if applicable)
- Inside mirror
- Keys work all bins, cargo barrier, utility boxes, and/or center console
- Seat belts
- Secured properly
- Latches function properly
- Pulled up and accessible
- Electrical items
- Radio
- Windows
- Locks
- Cigarette lighter has power
- Power mirrors
- Other
- Liftgate
- Fluid
- Roll pins
- Welds
- Proper operation
- Reservoir cap
- Angle of platform
- Worn parts
- Warning labels
- Safety catch
- Freedom of control handle
- Ramp
- Movement
- Rollers
- Hooks
- Safety catch
- Dump bed
- Loose pump/reservoir
- Cables & wires secured away from exhaust system & moving parts
- Hoses
- Chafing
- Proper operation of hoist
- Tailgate
- Safety strut
- PTO & pumps operate properly